"Polycom" Company is a Russian enterprise presenting its products and services on a market of industrial automation since 1999. For 20 years of work our company has completed a few hundred of significant automation projects, arranged supply of processing equipment and automation means to many regions of Russia and successfully realized a few big international projects.
The major advantage of our company is complete working process in construction of factory automation systems from engineering stage to implementation of ready automation complexes into operation.
During 20 years of work "Polycom" company has fulfilled about one hundred of automation projects, executed supply of technological equipment and automation means to many Russian regions and abroad, successfully realized a few large international projects.
Regions where we supplied automatic and supervising equipment, commutation and control cabinets P-Com, water passage and temperature monitoring sensors etc are marked blue on the map.
Regions where we fulfilled works of projecting, implementation of automated control systems, executed assembling and starting-up and adjustments of technological equipment are marked red.
The major advantage of our company is complete working process in construction of factory automation systems from engineering stage to implementation of ready automation complexes into operation.
While development of automated control systems for technological processes and supervisory control systems we always take into account current global trends in automation area, we use equipment and software of leading manufacturers (Siemens, Shnider Electric, GE Fanuc, AutomationDirect, ABB, Emotron), we apply only approved engineering solutions. Therefore our automation systems stand out for high quality and reliability, and our company dominates in this area.
Control cabinets are one of the main elements of control system of modern automated systems.
We develop control cabinets in accordance with requirements of our customers, they can always be sure to receive a control system engineered especially for their needs.
Control cabinets produced by our company are applied as parts of automated systems in different areas:
- municipal services (automated control systems on heating units, pumping plants, boiler stations, in water-supply and water disposal systems);
- metallurgical production;
- machine building;
- oil and gas industry and many others.
Oil industry
Our company has accumulated long-term experience of engineering, construction and assembly works in building and modernization of oil-extraction places.
We have realized dozens oil line heater automation projects, oil treatment plants, systems for measuring oil quantity and quality parameters and other objects. The automation systems are realized on the basis of control cabinets, produced by our company.
As "high level" systems of the automated control systems, the software packages developed in Cimplicity GE Fanuc and InTouch scada-systems are applied.
Our automated systems are widely used in the systems of heating and water supply.
We have realized a few projects of automation of heat pump stations.
Our company executes selection of equipment, assembly of control cabinets, starting-up and adjustment works of control systems.
Automation of pump stations is made through control cabinets produced by "Polycom".
We install cabinets controlling pumps, control and alarm cabinets, which control gate valves on heat pump station, execute start and stop of pump station, and teleprocessing cabinets, which transmit data to the supervisory unit.
In 2013 "Polycom" company participated in international project "Modernization of Amu-Bukharskiy channel irrigation network" in Uzbekistan, where the floating Pumping Station was replaced by Stationary Pumping Station 15 MW.
We have completed engineering, production, supervised installation and adjustment of automated control system consisting of: cabinets controlling pumps, cabinets controlling fans, distribution switchboards, local stations, cabinet of all-station control and 2 automated working places for station operators.
The automated systems of supervisory control produced by our company are operating on abstraction intakes in Russia and Uzbekistan. In 2007-2008 we engineered and implemented supervisory control system on Kibrayskiye abstraction intakes in Tashkent.
Automated system makes acquisition and processing of information about abstraction intake equipment work: 62 artesian wells, 2 pump stations, and also used for centralized control of water supply objects.
The following goals are achieved thanks to control system:
providing of long-term accident-free work of the equipment;
energy source saving;
effective control of equipment work real-time;
recording of energy sources and supplied water;
acquisition, processing and transmit of information to corporate network of abstraction intake company and water and wastewater treatment plant.
Similar project was realized in Russia, in Raduzhny city of Khanty-Mansiisky region.
Our products are also used as part of automated control of boiler-houses technological equipment.
As a rule, automated cabinets for control of boilers, smoke exhausters, control cabinets of fans and feed pumps are used.
There are functions executed by control system:
automated set-temperature graph regulation of heat conductors;
emergency and warning alarms, providing operator with processing information;
current process parameters;
setting and change of boiler-house equipment modes.
Our company experts have great experience of implementation of such automated systems.
Our company has engineered automated system for control of wire additions integration device for metal industry.
The automated system is applied for electric motor control of wire-feeding machine, supply of wire additions and its record keeping.
The control system of wire-feeding machine can work as a part of production automated control system.
One more large project for metal industry company is Automated complex for secondary metallurgy, which is intended for producing of wide range of steels, including low-carbon, stainless types.
The complex is meant for simultaneous use with electric-arc steel-run furnace with capacity of 30 tons, and allows to execute the following processing operations: steel alloying, vacuum treatment, product adjustment to the set chemical composition, etc.
Visualization and control system of automated complex allows to operate, monitor and record technical process. The whole process is displayed on a screen as display forms with graphics of set system parts (drives, electrodes, valves) and parameters (location, temperature, weight, consumption). All operator’s actions, process parameters and sets are recorded in system archive files. There is support of corporate computer network in automated complex, which allows authorized outside user to receive current and archive data.
One more significant project realized by our company for big metal industry company is a complex consisting of two automated systems: automated control system of steel vacuum treatment and automated system for commercial recording of energy.
These systems were implemented by us in an enterprise consequently within the shortest possible period of time.
In Amman, Jordan our company has engineered and implemented automated system to control diesel power plant of metallurgical company.